Holistic Rejuvenation Journey

Holistic Rejuvenation Journey

Shamanic skin & body package (111MIN) $222

The holistic Skin Rejuvenation & body healing package offers an in-depth spiritual journey to enhancing both skin and body. Includes a customized full skin facial treatment, skin analysis, and personalized home product tips and tricks. Then we delve deeper by examining the root causes of skin issues, acknowledging the importance of gut health for dark spots, wrinkles, age spots, eczema, skin allergies, saggy skin, and dehydration. Additionally, enjoy a full energy check through Aura photo & Chakra body analysis, providing energetic guidance in an emailed pdf, of the best foods, essential oils, Homepathy, Crystal,

and much more to balance the mind, body, and soul.

Dream Time 5D Adventure

Unleash the power of your past and awaken the possibilities of your future! (150MIN) $222

Dream Time Adventure, conducted in a serene Dreamtime oasis, holds immense potential as a potent therapeutic technique for unearthing and addressing unresolved trauma, depression, phobia, and anxiety. Through delving into past life experiences, individuals can harness a profound comprehension of their inner selves, their life’s purpose, and the underlying origins of their present difficulties. By engaging in this profound and reflective practice, individuals can pave the way toward personal growth and healing by gaining insights into their past lives and unraveling the root causes of their current challenges.

Prepare Your unique 5D
Dream Time Adventure Questions

This is the fun part.
Brainstorming your own unique questions.
Let your mind go!

  • Any curiosity questions from dreams or day-to-day recurrences, or patterns within your waking life.
  • Questions about work, relationships, family, visions, mysteries, and dreams that you want to verify.
  • List existing Health concerns.
  • Manifestation of what you would like to bring tangible or/and spiritually into your life.
  • Option to visit a past life in another world or planet.